Hey everyone! We've been remaking older episodes, now we've added video as well so learning can be more engaging! Here's a link to the 1st episode, where we learnt the grammar "つもりです"remade! Let us know what you think!
Here are the sentence we looked at!
私は今日ピザを食べるつもりですが、何か美味しい ものがあったら変更します! (Watashi wa kyou piza wo taberu tsumori desu ga, nanika oishii mono ga attara henkou shimasu!) - I plan on eating pizza today, but if there's something delicious, I might change my mind!
私の目標は彼女を作るつもりです。もしできなかっ たら、猫を飼います。 (Watashi no mokuhyou wa kanojo wo tsukuru tsumori desu. Moshi dekinakattara, neko wo kaimasu.) - My goal is to get a girlfriend. If I can't, I'll get a cat.
勉強するつもりでしたが、YouTubeにはまってしま いました。 (Benkyou suru tsumori deshita ga, YouTube ni hamatte shimaimashita.) - I intended to study, but I got addicted to YouTube.
明日は早く起きるつもりですが、たぶん寝坊しま す。 (Ashita wa hayaku okiru tsumori desu ga, tabun nebou shimasu.) - I plan to wake up early tomorrow, but I'll probably oversleep.
今日はダイエットするつもりだったけど、お菓子を 見たら食べたくなってしまいました。 (Kyou wa daietto suru tsumori datta kedo, okashi wo mitara tabetakunatte shimaimashita.) - I intended to diet today, but when I saw the sweets, I couldn't resist.
(Ranningu suru tsumori deshita ga, karada ga ugokimasen.) - I planned to go for a run, but my body won't move.
(Kanojo to au tsumori datta ga, kyanseru sareta.) - I was planning to meet with her, but it was cancelled.
If you haven't already, do give us a like on youtube or a rating on spotify! We're trying to grow the channel! ありがとうございますみんなさん!